Thursday, October 20, 2011

Believe the Impossible

There is this entertaining song entitled “I Believe in Miracles” sang by an artist named Hot Chocolate. As you hear the song, it will surely make you shake, dance and drop until its last line and tune. The lyrics go this way:  I believe in miracles, since you came along, You sexy thing… Miracles right before my eyes got me hypnotized… Only yesterday I was on my own, Just another day later my mind was blown.” 

Believing in miracles is naturally difficult. No can tell if it is real or unreal unless if you have literally turned impossible things into reality.  Imagine the Gospel of John as a musical play. Afterwards, suppose the miracle at the wedding at Cana its overture. Just like in an opera or in a musicale, an opening salvo is played in the beginning that should give an interesting foretaste of what’s to come. In the story, we know that everyone was blown away by this very first manifestation of Christ’s primacy as the only Son of God.

Little did we know that Jesus allows us to believe in Him. Before then, no one was healed, no one was saved from an evil spirit, no one was raised from the dead, not even a touch where someone feels the presence of the Lord. It was nothing, like a point-blank range without a specific target. Everyone is clueless about the Messiah, specifically in his majestic power that will redeem us from our sins. This was because Jesus initially insisted to his Mother that his Time has not yet to come nor he is in the proper moment either to extol his shining greatness to all. He didn’t waste a single opportunity, as he exercised a miracle that gave us a lasting impact to our Faith directed through the Church and its faithful.

The men and women at Cana witnessed Jesus Christ’s transforming power in this story, like the way people came before God and witnessed how they were transformed by the presence of Christ. At the end of the day, all that we will be in the future, our worries and concerns can only be transformed by his holy presence. Fear not my brothers and sisters, Just believe that Christ is with us in the crossroads of our life.